Being a teacher, most of us have to go through the challenge of managing students who are not paying attention and are involved in disruptive behaviors. It has remained a matter of concern for me as well. Especially, when I joined a school which had an amazingly high strength of students in the class (30+ students) as compared to 10-12 students in my business groups mostly. It wasn’t just about the disruption but the way they were behaving with one another and having no set objectives in their lives. Therefore, “Dealing with Disruptive Students” remained a matter of concern since long.

Dealing with students who don’t pay attention during class and engage in disruptive behavior can be challenging, but there are several strategies that you can try to help improve their behavior:

Number 1: Set clear expectations: Start the class by clearly stating the expectations for behavior, such as no talking during class unless it’s related to the class or asking questions. Remind students of these expectations throughout the class.

Number 2: Encourage participation: Encourage students to participate in class by asking questions, posing problems, or leading discussions. This can help students feel more engaged and invested in the material.

Number 3: Make the material relevant: Try to make the material relevant to the students’ lives and interests. This can help to hold their attention and make the material more meaningful.

Number 4: Vary your teaching style: Mix up your teaching style by using different techniques such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and group work. This can help to keep students engaged and prevent boredom.

Do you know, Sir Afzal Shad is one of the Top IGCSE & O Level Business Studies Teacher. He is teaching for 18+ years with 550+ successful students from around the world. Feel Free to Contact Sir Afzal @ Facebook Instagram LinkedIn WhatsApp

Number 5: Address disruptive behavior promptly: If a student is being disruptive, address the behavior promptly and calmly. Speak to the student privately after class or during a break to discuss the issue and find a solution. This would help if you are Dealing with Disruptive Students in the class.

Number 6:Provide positive reinforcement: When students are on task and engaged, acknowledge their positive behavior and provide positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards.

Remember that it’s important to be patient and understanding with students. Many students who act out in class may be dealing with personal or family issues, and a supportive and respectful approach can go a long way in helping to improve their behavior.

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